Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Birds, Bees and Bibliography Templates

My own love of research played a large part in choosing to pursue a career in librarianship. As a student, I could honestly go on sprees of caffeine-induced research mania for HOURS without coming up for air (it's probably quite good for my health that I'm not a student this year!), challenging myself to find free databases and research resources (Google books and me are BFF's) and coming up with some truly inventive keyword searches.

However, this left me with the problem that I had way, way, way more notes and quotes than was helpful. For my 8000 word dissertation I read over 100 books and articles, wrote 250 pages of notes, and my short-list of "absolutely essential couldn't-live-without-them" secondary quotations (i.e. not from the novels), that were crucial to my argument totalled .... 6500 words. Of quotes alone. Which would probably allow for an "and" in between each quotation and that would be that.

For my dissertation, I wrote EVERYTHING down in one place (in a very lovely Magna Carta notebook bought from the British Library shop) and got into the habit of automatically writing down all the bibliographic information whenever I found a new source. So before I so much as read the abstract, I would write down the title, author, publication date and city, date accessed (if online) etc. at the top of the page in bright purple, as if it were an MLA-style citation, like so:

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Love in the Time of Cholera. London: Penguin, 2008. Print. 

This meant that writing my bibliography - both works cited and works consulted - was a breeeeeeeze, because I just flicked through my book and typed up all the purple bits, without having to do any formatting whatsoever (apart from itallics). I work best on paper, as I find the act of writing notes and quotes down cements them in my head, and helps formulate ideas. I tried using Zotero once or twice and ended up getting so bloody frustrated with things disappearing into the ether that I promptly uninstalled it.

So within my first two weeks of my traineeship, during which I was revising the Zotero and Endnote guides, I thought: there is no resource here for people like me, who work best on paper, and need one place to write everything down as they read it.

So I came up with these!

The idea was that students write the bibliographic information in the columns as and when they read sources, so they don't forget to record them and everything's in one place. The columns are in the correct order and show you the correct punctuation so that you can type them up without having to use a citation site like Knight Cite. The blank columns are for mandatory information - title, author, date etc. - but the grey columns are optional - for details such as second author/editor, translator, or for a chapter/introduction within a larger book, which may not be relevant for every resource used. But if they are relevant, they are already placed in the right order... so no more digging the Chicago or MLA handbook off the reference shelf to work out what  comes after what!

You will see two different coloured templates in the photo, and two different formats. For every citation style I made a template for journal articles and books, as there is different information to include (databases, volume, issue etc.) My original plan was to - naively - create a different template for each of the main citation styles used. I was used to using MLA at uni and planned to do them for MLA, Chicago (author-date), Harvard, MHRA [Modern Humanities Research Association] and maybe Vancouver. However, after immense difficulty finding out what each department in Cambridge preferred (no faculty handbook states it ANYWHERE), I consulted Emma Coonan, who until recently was the Research Skills and Development Librarian at the University Library, and she let me know that, annoyingly, pretty much every single department uses its own, customised, Cambridge-specific citation style. This pretty much scuppered my long-term plans. Thank you once again to Emma for her help! Unfortunately for me she's now moved to UEA so I never actually got to meet her in person and talk Information Literacy!

So instead of wasting a lot of time and effort, I decided to trial just two styles - Chicago, which I know a lot of people use, and a 'generic' template, which was not formatted to a certain citation style, but was nonetheless a handy place to jot down all your research so that writing your bibliography three hours before the deadline doesn't mean throwing lots of paper around and cursing every god in existence.

We trialled these with a group of new Modern Languages students during a research skills workshop that was held in the library, providing each student with a copy that was partially filled in, to show them examples of academic referencing. The example above is based on a (fictional!) essay about Emile Zola's Au Bonheur des Dames. There's quite a jump from A-level to university in terms of good academic practice and research skills, and we had some really good feedback! The freshers found them useful, particularly because they weren't sure where a translator would fit into the citation.

 I placed the finished products in separate folders around our OPAC terminals, as a lot of people sit down there while they look up long reading lists. And they have been going slowly but surely! 

Like most things in libraries, I think the more you publicise something, the more it'll catch on, and I haven't shouted about these from the rooftops because I know a lot of people prefer using online tools like Zotero. But there isn't a standard, 'one size fits all' library user and everyone works in different ways, and even if this project only helps a minority of students who prefer handwriting notes, it's better than no students at all.

I initiated this project within the first couple of weeks at Newnham, and even though I'm a little late blogging about it, I wanted to share it because it's an idea I'm still proud of and - though it had its teething problems - it's something I can develop at a later date, or even bring to another library in the future.
I would welcome suggestions on how to improve them!

Meriel x

Monday, 10 February 2014

Glittery Applications and Sparkly CV's!

Ok... so I might have embellished the title a bit...

This post isn't a how-to guide on jazzing up a job application with a pot of PVA and some glitter - today I went on a course led by Suzanne Wheatley from Sue Hill Recruitment, called "Career Progression; Or, Making Yourself Sparkle in CV's and Interviews". But I liked the sparkly reference, and who isn't partial to a photo of some glitter?

Sue Hill is a London-based recruitment agency specialising in the information, library and research sectors, and Suzanne led a great workshop held at Murray Edwards College, on tailoring your CV format and interview technique so that you shine out to potential employers.

I was particularly interested in going because, although I have rewritten my CV countless times for part-time jobs, internships, my current traineeship and academic interviews, I have never applied for a professional role in the information sector, and will be doing so in 2015, after I complete my LIS postgraduate course. I thought I'd take the chance to benefit from a recruiter who sees thousands of library CV's, and knows specifically what employers are looking for in the perfect CV.

We started off by brainstorming hard skills and soft skills we possessed, and separating the results into four categories: 'Good at', 'Enjoy', 'Want to develop' and 'Don't Enjoy'. The idea is that skills in the 'Good at' and 'Enjoy' category should be prioritised and scream out to the reader on your CV... there is little point listing 'shelving' as one of your job's skills if you hate and despise it, because you won't want to be asked about it at interview. I'd heard of the terms hard and soft skills before today, but have never been entirely sure what they meant. Basically, hard skills are related to tangible, technical knowledge or techniques that are specific to your profession -  so for librarians, this could be cataloguing, knowledge of library management systems and information literacy. Soft skills are what Suzanne called the "touchy-feely" skills - personal and interpersonal aspects of your job that are less tangible, such as time-management, creativity and communication skills.

 I found this whole exercise really useful because I've never actually asked myself which specific aspects of my job I really enjoy. I know the tasks I'm good at, and I know I enjoy my job as a whole, but it really made me think about the individual things that get me excited. For me, these skills are project management, marketing, and being creative. A tip I really valued from Suzanne was that - if this process does not come naturally - ask your family and friends (apart from maybe your Mum, who will sing your praises even if you suck at something!). They will be able to recognise what you're good at, even if you take it for granted and overlook it.

Another tip Suzanne gave, was to create a 'glory folder'. Save any emails you get from users saying "THANK YOU, YOU'RE AMAZING!" (or words to that effect) or jot down every time someone has been really grateful for your help. Tracking praise will make it easier to identify what you really excel at and are valued for.

We then moved onto CV writing. A few of the points I jotted down were:

  • Don't leave lots of blank space down one side - use the full width of the page.
  • Don't waste space with the phrase "References available upon request" at the bottom!
  • Don't put your phone number as one long string of numbers - break it up into smaller chunks to make it more readable. 
  • Include a key achievement for each of the jobs you've held.
  • Acknowledge any gaps in your timeline - i.e. year off for maternity leave, sickness, gap year, career break etc.
  • Try not to use 'I, I, I' when listing your responsibilities/job role... instead, use action words ending in '-ing', such as "maintaining collection development", "assessing users' needs".

To finish off, we discussed interview technique such as personal presentation (dress smart, like David Beckham but on a good day), body-language (stand up straight, don't slouch when sitting) and confidence. And no workshop would be complete without some hands-on exercises! We practiced hand-shakes by wandering around the room, kept eye contact with our partner for an entire minute without looking away (tricky, and a bit awkward, to say the least!) and, my favourite, practicing speaking slowly and clearly with some tongue-twisters, including one about a pheasant plucker...

A tip I shared with the group, which someone taught me a year or two ago, is that if you find long stretches of eye-contact awkward in interviews (mine tend to dry up like concrete if I look at someone for too long and then it's ALL I can think about), look in the inner corner of your interviewer's eye. Honestly, they will not be able to tell that you aren't looking directly at their iris, but it makes it a lot easier to keep eye contact when you aren't focusing directly on their eyeball!

Overall, Suzanne's workshop was light-hearted but informative, and she had some really good tips and insider knowledge to share. She has written a blogpost here on the topic of interview technique, and you can follow her on Twitter @suzyredrec. I am definitely considering signing up to Sue Hill next year - I didn't realise until today that it's completely free to register, and all it takes to sign-up is a 30 minute registration interview! I really thought you had to pay for these services, newbee that I am. It seems so worth doing, seeing as lots of jobs aren't advertised on the open market, and essentially all the hard slog of job-hunting is taken on by a lovely helpful recruiter in your place! That is definitely the edible glitter on the cake :-)

Meriel x